Bezpieczeństwo - Innowacja - Rozrywka

For water amusement parks

Water slides in various forms, water playgrounds for younger and older children, generators of waves, inflating domes with a fountain, surfing simulators and many others. The main thing is that water is spouting everywhere!

The equipment of water amusement parks is our favourite task as nothing is more satisfactory to us than watching crowded slide or water playground. We invest all gathered expert knowledge into our projects. Water amusement parks are places which are supposed to provide with a lot of pleasure and joy and let to forget about passing time. It can be achieved by a wide range of attractions which will catch the eye of children and adults.


We make every effort to maintain the highest safety standards during the frantic fun. The projects of the slide are made by us according to the European standards whilst taking care of the proper slope angles and ensuring with the correct landing zone. A specially recommended by designers braking bathtubs allow users to make a safe braking and controlled output of the water.
Similarly, while designing large water playgrounds where many people can play at the same time, we do our best to make everybody feel safe. We ensure that both attraction as well as the area surrounding it constitute a pleasant environment for play and guarantee peace for child’s carers.


The innovation goes hand in hand with the safety. Our team is still searching for inspiration and solutions which will equip each new facility with the highest possible quality standards and the safety which is substantial for us. According to us, the innovation means both improved product as well as a pioneering solution. We bring the best products available in the global market to each client. This is the only way for us to develop and realise innovative projects.


The water park is not an oasis of peace in the full meaning of the word and entertainment is not only noise and water spouting all around. Our task is to provide all guests with the entertainment and therefore our projects are based on the full range of colours in order to enjoy the eye just from the entrance. We propose various multimedia for water slides and exceptionally desired water cascades and geysers for pools.