Bezpieczeństwo - Innowacja - Rozrywka

Twentebad Hengelo - Hengelo

Municipal swimming pool in Hengelo has undergone an impressive upgrade. Within the framework of the renovation one of the pools enriched by movable floor and so the pool became multifunctional. More importantly - we replaced the old slides with modern, multimedia slides - ANACODA and TUNNEL FUNNEL. ANACONDA slide has a length of 51 m and a diameter of 1200 mm. Its uniqueness owes interactive game involving the collection points during sliding. The second slide has a length of 67 m, a diameter of 1200 mm and a characteristic "cone." Both slides are kind of "body slide", it means that its usage do not require extra accessories ie. Mats and raftings.

Twentebad - blue slide Tunnel Funnel 67m

Twentebad - Red multimedia slide with interactive game 51m