Bezpieczeństwo - Innowacja - Rozrywka

Stainless steel waterslide

For a truly lively slide experience try the stainless steel Anaconda tunnel slides, which are more elaborately shaped, compared to half-pipe slides, and they can also be enjoyed by accessing them from different points of the slide. The so-called ”black hole effect“ guarantees tingles as the user is not able to actually see the course of the slide but only feel it. Another interesting feature can be created at swimming pools by erecting several slides with alternating bends and different gradients.

Stainless steel waterslide

Water slide TAK
Dry slide NIE
Pipe’s Diameter 800 mm
Landing site Pool
Time counter NIE
Special effects TAK
Acrylic element NIE
Bodyslide TAK
Mats NIE
Rafts NIE